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2019年04月04日 22时00分48秒 来源: 互联网
导读:SWI-Bine - MATINGHIVE SWI-BINE - is a well insulated mating hive that can be stacked and transported easily The SWI-BINE mating hive fulfills these demands: 1 It is a simple construction consisting of few parts 2 I


SWI-BINE - is a well insulated mating hive that can be stacked and transported easily The SWI-BINE mating hive fulfills these demands:

1. It is a simple construction consisting of few parts

2. It can be stacked

3. It is well insulated

4. There is enough space for food.

5. The bees have three frames to work on.

The front has a sliding panel which regulates the ventilation and opens or closes the flight hole.

The bottom of the hive is built with a plastic panel that can be removed when you want to fill the hive with bees or when you want to introduce the mated queen into a queenless family.

A queen excluder in front of the food chamber ensures that the bees won't build into this area.

APIDEA matinghive

“Apidea” Maticng nucs are the favorite of many beekeepers. The hive is supplied with a complete set of parts and of outstanding quality.

The candy magazine can be taken out to give more space to the bees.

KIELER matinghive

"Kieler" is made with inclined walls. It has space for 4 frames. We supply frames with a groove to put the foundation strip into.

Kieler has been a popular mating hive for many years.

MINI hive

The Mini-hive is very well suited for queen breeding in northern climates. When the family is established in the hive, it has enough space to grow. A newly mated queen will very soon lay many eggs and then the hive will have a lot of young bees for the next queens.

If you keep the queen in the hive during late summer and feed the bees you will be able to winter them without any problems.

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